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Gratefull 2024

Monday, November 25
Hamilton Street + Burr Park

On Monday, November 20th, 2023 we were thrilled to once again host Gratefull Dalton, our free community-wide Thanksgiving meal shared at one table in the middle of Downtown Dalton. An initiative of Believe Greater Dalton’s Community Pride and Downtown strategies, the inaugural Gratefull was held in 2019 and brought more than 1400 downtown to share a meal together in its first year. 

2020 and 2021 put a pause on the shared meal, but we kept the Gratefull vision alive by creating the “Gratefull Give Back”, a drive by event to collect food for the Chattanooga Area Food Bank’s local agencies here in Whitfield County. The “Gratefull Give Back” was held at the same time the event would have been hosted each year and collected over 7000 pounds of food for the local agencies that participated.


Gratefull was also created to provide a unique volunteer opportunity for the community. This year with over 180 volunteer slots to fill, we partnered with United Way to help get the word out and those slots were filled in record time. Food for the meal was donated by over 20 local restaurants and over 1700 people joined together at one table for an incredible meal. Thank you to all who had a part in helping make it happen!


Full plates and full hearts. It was a perfect day, and the pictures are worth 1000 words. We can’t wait to host Gratefull again on November 25, 2024. Mark your calendars now!


No fee. No expectations. No agenda. Just an open invitation.


Gratefull is a FREE annual city-wide Thanksgiving meal, where everyone is invited to eat together at one long table in the middle of the street. Through Gratefull we are removing barriers and bringing people together from across social boundaries, simply to get to know each other and build understanding. In order to build a city that is an honest reflection of its residents, everyone should be invited to the table.


What started as a one-time event in Chattanooga to bring people together has become a quickly growing tradition that spans multiple cities in the southeast, with interest from cities around the country.



Todo es gratis, sin costo y sin compromisos. El evento Gratefull es nuestra celebración anual del Día de Acción de Gracias donde todos estamos invitados a una gran mesa al aire libre. Deseamos romper las barreras y unir a diferentes segmentos de la sociedad para conocernos y enriquecernos mutuamente. Esta celebración no es únicamente para un sector de la población, deseamos que toda la ciudad esté representada. Lo que comenzó como un evento en Chattanooga ahora se ha convertido en un movimiento en múltiples ciudades. Aparte la fecha en su calendario el 20 de noviembre, 11:30-1:30 en parque Burr de la calle Hamilton, al lado del Wells Fargo en el centro de Dalton.

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